Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hope- Gods Grandeur by Gerald Manley Hopkins

The world is charged with the grandeur of God.
          It will flame out, like shining from shook foil;
          It gathers to greatness, like the ooze of oil
Crushed. Why do men then now not reck his rod?
Generations have trod, have trod, have trod;
         And all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil;
         And wears man’s smudge and shares man smell: the soil
Is bare now, nor can foot feel, being shod.

And for all this, nature is never spent;
          There lives the dearest freshness deep down things;
And though the last lights off the black West went
         Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs-
Because the Holy Ghost over the bent
          World broods with warm breast and with ah! Bright wings.

Take a look around you, there is beauty in the world provided every day by the powers beyond our imagination. Man has taken so much from nature and in turn has dumped our wastes back on it. In the midst of our struggle there are sights to behold and these are moments that can bring clarity to our minds they remind us to stop and look at  visions of a great provider, whoever you define as that provider.  As every new day begins hope is brought into our lives we need to value the day, be thankful for it and take notice of it. The next time you are feeling that life is not bringing to you all you desire look around and catch in your eye something lovely to behold. Beauty surrounds us, but we need to stop in the space we are living and give gratitude to it. Nothing can bring more peace to a chaotic mind.

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